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Scholars of KAS Media Programme SEE visit the German Ambassador in Sofia

by Manuela Anastasova
The journalism scholars of the KAS Media Programme South East Europe Nikol Valcheva, Svetoslava Shikova, Eva Nikolova-Rasheva and Victoria Kostova visited the German Ambassador to Bulgaria Christoph Eichhorn on 10th of February together with the Head of the Media Programme Hendrik Sittig.

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The main topic of the discussion was the political, social and especially media situation in Bulgaria. Moreover, the young scholars were interested in the German-Bulgarian relations in the current European context. The Ambassador emphasised that it was important to strengthen Europe and its values as a unity. He encouraged the young fellows to follow a career in journalism and underlined that independent quality journalism is one of the most important basis for a well-functioning democracy. Christoph Eichhorn also talked about his impressions during his tenure in Sofia as well as about his experiences as a radio journalist at the public service broadcaster before his diplomatic career.

The KAS Media Programme South East Europe awards the “Adenauer Journalism Scholarship” twice a year. It supports talented journalism students at universities in Sofia. With this, the Media Programme aims to support the new generation of young journalists in the media.


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