

Strengthening the capacities of religious groups on use of media

Starting 24th – 25th July, 2019, KAS conducted a capacity enhancement activity in Nyali, Mombasa, for various religious groups and faith based organizations on the different media platforms that exist and could be used to strengthen inter-religious dialogue. The event purposed to raise awareness on the 21st century powerful social media communication tool and how it can be used to counter religious intolerance and improve the fight against violent extremism at the Coast. The Coast region of Kenya has in past and present times been riddled with lots of cases on violent extremism, sometimes stemming from religious intolerance. There is therefore a continued need to harmonize the different religious groups, to promote peace, harmony and tranquility in the region through reduced extremism.



Jeanette Nyanjom

Jeanette Nyanjom

Programmkoordinatorin +254 20 2610021/2 +254 20 2610023



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