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Adobe Stock / Yakobchuk Olena

Forgoing for the sake of the climate?

Representative survey on attitudes toward climate protection and climate-friendly behaviour among the German population

Which age groups and party supporters are particularly concerned about climate protection? Who says they behave in a climate-friendly way in everyday life? Do age groups differ in their diet or in their decision to forego cars and airplanes? Which party following is dominated by meat lovers? Which supporters prefer vegetarian food? The Konrad Adenauer Foundation addresses these and other questions with the help of representative survey data and qualitative in-depth interviews. This much should be anticipated: Some of the results are surprising.

weyo / Adobe Stock

The pro-European

Representative survey on attitudes toward Europe in the German population

Germans are considered to be traditionally pro-European. How is this reflected in polling data? Do they want to leave the European Union? What issues should the European Union take care of? Which party is best suited to solve the problems at hand? The study sheds light on these questions.

Adobe Stock / Fokussiert

More "Net from Gross"

On the usefulness of introducing an allowance in the social security system

The financial burden of households in Germany continues to increase in light of current crises and challenges. At the same time, experts are warning that without reforms the level of social security contributions will have to rise further in order to compensate for the consequences of demographic change. This would increase the tax burden on low-income households in particular. Could the introduction of an allowance in the social security system make a meaningful contribution to reducing the financial burden on low-income households?


The American Supreme Court in Crises? 

Interview Concerning the Judicial Crisis in the United States

Professor Russell A. Miller sees the Supreme Court in a crisis of legitimacy. The reason for this, he says, is above all the unstructured and politically highly controversial procedures for appointing judges. He strongly calls for a code of conduct for the highest and most high-profile court in the country. This would help to consolidate and strengthen the Court's reputation and integrity as a valued institution. In order to overcome the crisis of the Supreme Court, the crisis of American politics must be addressed first.

IMAGO / imagebroker

Analysis of the parliamentary election in Hesse on 8 October 2023

Report on the preliminary final result, the main voting determinants, voter migration and social structure.

The CDU wins the parliamentary election in Hesse. It achieves 34.6 percent and gains 7.6 percentage points compared to the 2018 election. While in 2018 CDU and SPD suffered considerable losses, the CDU recovered while the SPD lost again. At 15.1 percent the SPD is the third largest party in parliament now. The AfD wins votes and has a share of 18.4 percent. The Greens are down to 14.8 percent. The FDP passes the five-percent hurdle while the Linke comes in at 3.1 percent and will not be part of the new parliament.

Adobe Stock / Maxim

50 years of Germany in the UN

The world in transition – Uniting for Peace?

A look at the past 50 years shows that Germany can successfully set a course: as a non-permanent member of the Security Council, through its membership in the Human Rights Council as well as in other UN bodies. The Namibia Initiative, the mediation between Iran and Iraq in the 1980s, participation in peace and stabilization missions, advocacy for the International Criminal Court or support for a special Ukraine-Tribunal, are all important steps to make the future on this planet safer, more peaceful, and sustainable.

Kiattisak / adobe Stock

The future of statutory health insurance in Germany

Interview with Dr Jochen Pimpertz – a conversation about the solidarity principle, intergenerational equity and a funded second pillar of financing

The German healthcare system is facing major challenges. Besides the constant medical and technical progress, in particular the aging of society is leading to a widening gap between the revenue base and the expenditure burden of the statutory health insurance system. How can the system be made sustainable for future generations and intergenerational solidarity be preserved?

IMAGO / Jan Huebner

Die Alternative für Deutschland 

On its environment, ideology and how it understands politics

Since its founding in 2013, the Alternative for Germany has undergone a transformation in its programmatic and strategic orientation. From the outset, a pronounced "anti-establishment attitude" was a unifying factor. Today, this is complemented by a positioning in the party system that is driven, in particular, by the AfD's forefront – the extreme New Right with its "friend-or-foe" thinking. This makes the party part of a milieu that relies on "cultural hegemony from the right" – a hegemony of ethnocultural unity, among other things. The party's positions in the fields of democracy, the concept of the people, and the image of history correspond with this thinking. This text presents strategies and ideologems in the milieu of the AfD as well as the AfD itself, its program and understanding of politics.

Adobe Stock / Sheviakova

Generation is less than Age

Representative surveys on age differences in voting behaviour, values, anxieties and political participation

Results of German federal elections differ considerably between the young and the elderly. Considering reports on supposed major differences between Booms, GenZ and other generations this may seem obvious. However, how real are the differences supposed to result from experiences and circumstances during adolescence? Based on representative surveys the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung researched these questions in detail. The answer in short: There are not generation differences.


ChancenZeit – Time of opportunities

Discussions about the future of a service to society

he introduction of a mandatory “Gesellschaftsjahr” (society year) has been discussed by German politicians and society for some years now. The idea is that young adults, after completing their schooling, would be required to spend a year serving society in an area of their free choice, i.e. in a social, cultural, ecological or charitable institution or, alternatively, in the German armed forces. What do young people themselves think about service to society and how should it be structured in the future?

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About this series

The Monitor series deals with one main topic at a time from the perspective of KAS experts and places it in the political and social context on the basis of a few key points.

Ordering Information

The contributions appear exclusively online and can therefore not be ordered.


The current main topics are “Development policy”, “Sustainability” and “Election and social research”. The contributions of these sub-series are presented for you on separate overview pages in addition to the overall series.