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IMAGO / Jürgen Held

Attack on Israel

Attack on Israel

Caesura in the Middle East Conflict


Right now, everything must be done to protect and care for innocent people - Palestinians and Israelis alike - in the best possible way. Every life counts equally and every human sacrifice is one too many. This is the foundation of the concept of human rights. That is why it is necessary and must be possible to lament the pain of both sides without justifying or equating anything.

Norbert Lammert, Chairman of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

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At a glance

  • During a surprise attack on Israel on 7 October 2023, the terror organisation Hamas killed more than 1,200 Israelis and abducted more than 200 hostages in the Gaza Strip.
  • Israel’s response was prompt: a declaration of a state of war, bombing of Hamas positions, and since November the Israeli army has been advancing into the Gaza Strip with a ground offensive.
  • The situation in the Gaza Strip has culminated into a humanitarian emergency. Israel’s attacks have killed thousands of Palestinian civilians and triggered massive refugee movements.
  • The security situation in Israel and the entire region has massively deteriorated. Attacks on Israel come from various directions, for example by Hezbollah or Islamist militias.
  • Germany is irrevocably on the side of Israel, since its security is Germany’s raison d'état. What is more, Germany will continue to advocate for peace peace based on a conflict resolution between Israel and the Palestinians.



1. Brutal terrorist attack

2. The Israeli response

3. Situation in the Gaza Strip

4. Tense security situation

5. Solidarity in action

6. Publications, events and media contributions on the topic


Brutal terrorist attack: massacre and hostage-taking by Hamas on October 7, 2023

On October 7th 2023, the terrorist organization Hamas launched a large-scale surprise attack on Israel from the Gaza Strip. Under the fire of thousands of rockets, over 1,500 terrorists infiltrated numerous Israeli settlements and towns. Over 1200 Israelis were murdered in brutal massacres. Over 250 people were killed at a music festival near the border alone. The terrorists also abducted over two hundred Israelis - including women, children and elderly people - as hostages into the Gaza Strip. They are being used as human shields against Israeli counter-attacks.


The Israeli response: a comprehensive ground offensive

In response, Israel has declared a state of war and formed a war cabinet with the participation of one of the strongest opposition parties. Initially, over 300,000 reservists were called up, the Gaza Strip was completely sealed off and Hamas positions were extensively bombed. Nevertheless, Hamas was able to fire rockets far into Israeli heartland for weeks. In November 2023, the Israeli army (IDF) began a large-scale ground offensive and quickly made progress. The Gaza Strip was divided in a pincer movement and Gaza City, where Hamas command structures and rocket-launching bases are located, was isolated. Since then, the IDF has been trying to achieve its declared war goal of destroying Hamas in a dangerous and costly urban battle.


Situation in the Gaza Strip: refugee movements and humanitarian emergency

Thousands of Palestinian civilians have been killed in the IDF attacks and massive refugee movements have been triggered within the Gaza Strip. A humanitarian crisis is looming. In the end of November, a ceasefire under the mediation of Qatar and Egypt, lasted several days. In return for the release of hostages by Hamas, Israel allowed several aid shipments into the Gaza Strip and released hundreds of Palestinians imprisoned in Israel.


Tense security situation: attacks on Israel in the north and south

At the same time, the security situation in other parts of the country is also extremely tense. In the north of the country, on the borders with Lebanon and Syria, constant attacks by Hezbollah and other Islamist militias are occurring. In the south of the country, around the port city of Eilat, there have been repeated rocket and drone attacks from Yemen. Fearing a further escalation and in order to protect Israel, the USA has deployed additional forces - including two aircraft carriers - to the region. In the West Bank, where the security situation was already tense before the Hamas attack, the situation continues to deteriorate. Security incidents and terrorist attacks occur almost daily.


Solidarity in action: Germany at Israel´s side

People in the Middle East, as well as in Germany and Europe, are concerned about the risk of escalation of an impending regional conflagration, the outbreak of which cannot be ruled out. Germany stands irrevocably on Israel's side. Israel's security is a German reason of state. German solidarity in the wake of the brutal attacks is just as much a matter of course as Israel's right under international law to defend itself against all attacks. Germany will also continue to work for a lasting peace based on a joint solution to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.

On this topic page you will find information from the Foundation's offices abroad, analyses and publications as well as assessments by our experts in Germany and abroad, which are updated and supplemented on an ongoing basis.

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Dr. Canan Atilgan

Dr. Canan Atilgan

Head of the Department Middle East and North Africa +49 30 26996-3201

Michael Rimmel

Michael Rimmel Tobias Koch

Head of the Israel Office +972 (0) 2 567 1830 +972 (0) 2 567 1831

Simon Engelkes

Simon Engelkes bild

Head of the Ramallah office +972 2 240 4305 +972 2 240 4307
pexels / cottonbro studio
July 25, 2023
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Publications, events and media contributions on the topic

Our contributions are as wide-ranging and multifaceted as the topic itself!

Whether it's an expert interview, specialist publication or hot debate - click through and you're guaranteed to find the right format for you!

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Publications to the topic

Publikum und Herr mit Kippa auf dem Kopf, Tacheles Sept. 2024

TACHELES: ‘Indifference is no option’

TACHELES - Israel and Germany. One year after 7 October.

Doch wieder

Über Bedrohungen und Einschränkungen jüdischen Lebens nach dem 7. Oktober 2023

Sei a Mensch!

Golanhöhen 13.06.2024 Imago / Xinhua

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Is a regional war inevitable?

Bild eines Sturmgewehrs, das auf dem Waldboden inmitten leerer Patronenhülsen liegt, Velyka Novosilka, Donbass-Region, Ukraine, Februar 2024. Friedrich Bungert/Süddeutsche Zeitung Photo

Die Rückkehr des Krieges

Alte und neue Formen militärischer Gewalt im 21. Jahrhundert

Protestschild am internationalen Frauentag auf einer Demonstration in Paris. Auf dem Schild stehen die Slogans „Feministen und Queers, Anti-Kolonialisten, Anti-Imperialisten“ auf den Farben der palästinensischen Flagge. Frankreich am 8. März 2024. picture alliance / Hans Lucas / Xose Bouzas

Postkoloniales Denken

Eine Genealogie

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Rome's perspective on the Gaza war

A diplomatic balancing act on both sides of the Tiber

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A turning point with unforeseeable consequences

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Forced exmatriculation against anti-Semitism

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Eine Bilanz des 45. #HessenKAS Facebook-Live in Kooperation mit der Deutschen Atlantischen Gesellschaft am 10. April 2024

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Sei a Mensch!

Fotografien aus Israel nach dem 7. Oktober 2023

Sendker - Levy

"Kein anderes Land": Wo sind Juden wirklich sicher?

Eine Bilanz des 44. #HessenKAS Facebook-Live vom 31.01.2024

100 Tage Angriff auf Israel

Eine Solidaritätsveranstaltung mit Israel

Bild 1

Athens Security Forum

The New Europe Facing the challenges of multiple crises

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Events on the topic



Jüdisches Leben in Sachsen-Anhalt: 1 Jahr nach dem Großangriff der Hamas auf Israel

Teilnahme auch über Facebook ( und Youtube ( möglich



Israeltag Falkensee

Israel nach dem 7. Oktober 2023. Wie hat sich das Land verändert?




Erstarkender Antisemitismus in der EU?

Veranstaltung 2 aus der Reihe "Verwurzelter Antisemitismus"



Was tun gegen Antisemitismus?

Digitales Mittagsgespräch mit Dr. Michael Blume, Beauftragter der Landesregierung Baden-Württemberg gegen Antisemitismus

Event Reports on the topic


Media library

Deutschlandfunk culture - Radio interview (German)

From the Radio

Is the Middle East region facing a major war? A discussion with the director of the KAS office in Israel, Michael Rimmel..

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SWR culture forum - Radio interview (German)

From the Radio

"The wound of October 7th is very deep in Israel": The director of our office in Jerusalem, Michael Rimmel, spoke in SWR Kultur forum about the current situation in the country.

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The asymmetry of reporting

Sei a Mensch - Israel after 7 October 2023

We are exhibiting Halina Hildebrands' photographs at the Academy of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Berlin.


No relativisation! Hamas is an extremist terrorist organisation.

The reality is clear: the Hamas charter made it clear as early as 1988 that Israel's right to exist was denied and that armed jihad was being pursued.

Stand up against fear and terror

Antisemitic acts are on the rise in Germany. What can I do about it?

We can all support our Jewish fellow citizens. Now it's not just words that count, but actions.

We must not remain silent!

Stand up against antisemitism too!

Since the Hamas attacks on Israel, the number of antisemitic incidents in Germany has risen significantly. We must stand up against fear and terror.


Let us together send a strong signal for peace, justice and that terror has no place in a democratic society.

Angriff auf Israel

Terror der Hamas und ihre Drohungen - Sei Du kein Teil davon!

Mehreren Berichten zufolge droht die Hamas nun Folter- und Hinrichtungsvideos zu posten.

Auslandsinfo Spotlight Podcast

Caesura in the Middle East: Hamas' Terror in Israel and its Consequences

A conversation with Dr. Beatrice Gorawantschy (Head of KAS Israel Office) and Steven Höfner (Head of KAS Ramallah Office).