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Landesarchiv Berlin / Thomas Platow

Analysis of the rerun election for the Berlin House of Representatives on 12 February 2023

Report on the preliminary final result, the main voting determinants, voter migration and social structure.

The CDU wins the election with a large distance to the other parties. It gains 10.2 percentage points compared to the 2021 election and achieves 28.2 percent of the second votes. The parties of the governing coalition of SPD, Greens and Left lose. The SPD has its historically lowest result in Berlin for the third time in a row. The FDP fails to clear the five-percent hurdle. Compared to other federal states, the election is characterized by particularly low degrees of satisfaction at all levels.

REUTERS / Pascal Rossignol

Energy Mix in Germany

Gas and nuclear energy accepted as a temporary solution

Due to developments in the energy market, the question of what energy mix Germans prefer until energy demand can be met by renewable energy is being raised again. The hierarchy is clear. Half of the Germans consider gas suitable for intermediate use. In the case of nuclear energy, 44% advocate its use until renewable energies can cover energy demand. Coal, on the other hand, is considered suitable for intermediate use by only a minority. 25% believe that coal should be used more or equally in the future.

George Hodan /

One Child-Many Parents: Community of Responsibility for Multi-parent Rainbow Families

Discussion Paper on the "Responsibility Community" of the Traffic Light Coalition Agreement

The major reform of family law planned by the federal government includes the new legal institution of the "community of responsibility". Associations in the queer context have great expectations of the new legal institute, which is supposed to legally secure the new family form of multi-parent rainbow families. What do we know about multi-parent rainbow families? What needs to be taken into account in the legal design?

Flickr / Luciano Emanuel Silva

Path to COP28

Lessons for International Climate Policy

No significant progress was made at COP27, with the exception of the planned fund to compensate damage and loss. Therefore, the question increasingly arises whether the UNFCCC process should be flanked more strongly in future by multilateral initiatives, for example within the framework of the G7 and G20, in order to develop more momentum.

pixabay / 5350755

Europe and the Christian Orthodoxy

Statements given by Thomas Rachel (MdB) and Archpriest Radu Constantin Miron

Outside Europe, anti-Western narratives are often disseminated in Orthodox circles, whereas in Europe, concerns of Christian Orthodoxy are not uncommonly being overlooked. This problem of lack of mutual understanding is particularly evident in geopolitical conflicts with religious elements, such as the Russian war of aggression on Ukraine or restrictions on religious freedom in Turkey. What can European politics and the Orthodox churches do to improve this relationship?

Flickr / Tim Reckmann

Der Weg zur Ablösung der Staatsleistungen an die Kirchen

Wie die verfassungsrechtliche Pflicht zur Ablösung der Staatsleistungen nach Art. 140 GG i. V. m. Art. 138 Abs. 1 WRV zu erfüllen ist.

Laut dem Koalitionsvertrag der Regierungsparteien soll im Dialog mit den Ländern und den Kirchen ein Grundsätzegesetz auf Bundesebene erlassen werden, dass als fairer Rahmen für die Ablösung der Staatsleistungen dienen soll. Dieses Vorhaben bezieht sich auf das – bis heute unerfüllte – verfassungsrechtliche Gebot zur Ablösung der Staatsleistungen in Art. 140 GG i. V. m. Art. 138 Abs. 1 WRV. Doch was sind Staatsleistungen überhaupt und wie können die verfassungsrechtlichen Anforderungen an deren Ablösung erfüllt werden?

REUTERS / John Sibley

Diversity and democracy in the Conservative Party

Over time, the Conservatives have come to look and sound a little more like the country they aspire to run.

The British Conservative Party can lay claim to be one of the oldest and most successful political parties in the world for many reasons. Perhaps the most important is its near-legendary ability to adapt in order to reflect the society in which it operates.  It does this mainly by adjusting to changes in the economy and socio-cultural mores – some, that it helps to shape, some which it has little choice but to accommodate itself to.  Policy, however, is not everything. 

Pixabay / alejobaron

Decarbonising the transport sector in the Global South

Possibilities, challenges, and reciprocities on the road to climate-neutral mobility

In Germany, the shift towards electromobility is underway, the advantages, but also the shortcomings of public transportation have become part of the public debate ever since the nine-euro ticket emerged, and mobility apps are gaining increasing popularity in cities. All this is supposed to contribute to the decarbonisation of transport. But what is the situation in the countries that are expected to experience the greatest population growth in the coming decades and thus have a steadily increasing need for mobility?

wikimedia commons/ CC BY 4.0

The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and its geopolitical significance

About the world's largest regional political organisation with economic potential

Since its foundation in 2001, the number of members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) has increased from originally six to nine. Belarus is to be admitted as a member in 2023, Afghanistan and Mongolia have observer status. While in the early years the focus was on the security policy dimension, the SCO increasingly developed into a regional forum with different priorities: economy, trade, technology, culture, energy and tourism.

O de Andrade/ flickr / CC BY 2.0

Wahlanalyse der Landtagswahl in Niedersachsen am 9. Oktober 2022

Bericht zum vorläufigen Endergebnis, zu den wesentlichen Bestimmungsgründen sowie zur Wählerwanderung und Sozialstruktur

Die SPD bleibt in Niedersachsen nach Verlusten stärkste Kraft und liegt vor der CDU, die ebenfalls Verluste hinnehmen muss. Grüne und AfD verzeichnen Stimmengewinne, während die FDP an der Fünf-Prozent-Hürde scheitert. Ausgehend von den Wahltagsbefragungen und Umfragen im Vorfeld der Wahl wird die Rolle der Spitzenkandidatinnen und -kandidaten, der wichtigsten politischen Themen und Parteikompetenzen für das Wahlergebnis analysiert.

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About this series

The Monitor series deals with one main topic at a time from the perspective of KAS experts and places it in the political and social context on the basis of a few key points.

Ordering Information

The contributions appear exclusively online and can therefore not be ordered.


The current main topics are “Development policy”, “Sustainability” and “Election and social research”. The contributions of these sub-series are presented for you on separate overview pages in addition to the overall series.